On this site you will find thirty years’ worth of novels, short stories, memoirs, and essays. Recently I have added pieces of sound art made since 2012, and sound/word/image art using the medium of video. Nearly every piece of writing on this site is available as a free full-text download under a Creative Commons license. If you would like to copy, print, share, or redistribute anything you find here, please be my guest. Like all writers, I write to be read; this is my way of putting my artistic effort out into the infinitely branching network of readers and writers. I hope you enjoy it, and pass it on.
Writers mine their inexhaustible subjects, trying to say something that can never be fully said; they write what they have to write, forever trying again, in guises so different that even the writer doesn’t realize, until far into the book—oh yes, here we are again. My subjects are those of countless novels and stories: Love, sex, growing up, marriage, family, loss, death, divorce. Loyalty and betrayal, desire and separateness, trust and fear. But art is much more than its subject; if it weren’t, these would all have been worn out long ago.
Eudora Welty said that “the story pattern is the nearest thing to a mirror image” of a writer’s mind and heart; and there is, no doubt, an underlying pattern in my work, a story beneath the story, just as there is in every writer’s work. Beneath the book that I do write lies the book that I cannot yet write. That is the one that I secretly hope some reader will contrive to read—the stranger who becomes my accomplice though we may never meet.
True readers write the book they are reading, as they read it; they go behind the scenes and become its co-creator. What language is unable to say, they find within themselves. My aim as a writer is to offer the reader a completely absorbing experience, even a world, in the theater of the self. The only way for this aim to be realized is for writer and reader to make it happen together.
To the creator-readers who accept this invitation I dedicate this site.